The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum
Coast Guard Statistics

Over 56,000 members

A fleet of 243 cutters, more than 1,600 boats, and 201 aircraft

On an average day, the Coast Guard:

conducts 45 search and rescue missions
saves 10 lives
saves over $1.2 million in property
seizes 874 pounds of cocaine and 214 pounds of marijuana
escorts 5 high-capacity passenger vessels
conducts 24 security boardings in and around U.S. ports
screens 360 merchant vessels prior to arrive in U.S. ports
investigates 35 pollution incidents
conducts 105 marine inspections
facilitates the movement of $8,7 billion worth of goods and commodities

Photograph: A Coast Guard Port Security boat races to question a recreational vessel on the Hudson River in New York after September 11, 2001.  (Source: PA 2 Tom Sperduto, USCG and USCG Historian’s Office)