The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum
NISHM Event Videos
The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum commemorates of the 23rd anniversary of the 2001 attack.
The National Iron &  Steel Heritage Museum's yearly commemoration of the 2001 attack.
Pennsylvania Cable Network's "It's History!" program visits the National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum.
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Learn about what you can experience when you visit the National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum.
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The National Iron &  Steel Heritage Museum's yearly commemoration of the 2001 attack.
The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum, caretaker of the largest collection if World Trade Center steel outside of New York City, held its annual September 11th commemoration.

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The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum's Rebecca Lukens Award honors individuals who exhibit the qualities of America's first female industrialist Rebecca Lukens — resilience, leadership, courage, and strategic outlook.

Join us as we recognize both our 2021 recipient, Karen Marshall, and our 2020 recipient, Minnie McNeil, with a virtual award ceremony.

The National Iron &  Steel Heritage Museum's yearly commemoration of the 2001 attack.

The National Iron &  Steel Heritage Museum's yearly commemoration of the 2001 attack.

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The 2019 recipient of the Rebecca Lukens Award archivist and local preservationist Sandra S. Momyer has devoted most of her life to preserving the history of the people, places and heritage of Chester County.
The Rebecca Lukens Award honors individuals who exhibit the qualities of Rebecca Lukens — resilience, leadership, courage, and strategic outlook.
The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum hosts the 2017 Coatesville Remembers September 11, 2001 Commemoration ceremony.
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The Lukens Concert Band and the Forty Niners Chorus present a concert of remembrance of the events of September 11, 2001.
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The Rebecca Lukens Award honors individuals who exhibit the qualities of Rebecca Lukens — resilience, leadership, courage, and strategic outlook.
The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum hosts the 2016 Coatesville Remembers September 11, 2001 Commemoration ceremony.
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The 2016 Rebecca Lukens Award presented to Barbara Cohen honors individuals who exhibit the qualities of Rebecca Lukens — resilience, leadership, courage, and strategic outlook.
The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum presents its 2015 award to Mary Ann Rossi, Partner at MacElree Harvey.
The annual Lukens Reunion Barbecue and Service Awards honoring current ArcelorMittal Coatesville employees.
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The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum hosts the 2014 Coatesville Remembers September 11, 2001 Commemoration ceremony.
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On August 28, 1984 Bill Fischer, Mary Sullivan, Rosie Long and Gene DiOrio signed the Articles of Incorporation creating The Graystone Museum Society of Coatesville. Join Gene as he remembers the beginning.
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An evening of great food, drink and music on the beautiful grounds of the Lukens Historic District.

This year's keynote speaker Sheila Fleming, Senior Planner for Conservation Design at the Brandywine Conservancy, presents :The Brandywine Creek Greenway: the Heart and Soul of Chester County". Other highlights are the presentation of the 2014 Eugene L. DiOrio Volunteer of the Year Award to Sharon Bower, and the presentation of the Charles Lukens Huston Scholarship Award to two graduating seniors from Coatesville Area Senior High School, Morgan Flynn and Steven McFarland. 

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President Scott Huston, Program Manager Juliette Honsinger, Collections Manager Kathy Bratton, and Executive Director James Ziegler with an insider's look at activities at the National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum.
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The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum presents its 2014 award to Molly Keim Morrison, President of the Natural Lands Trust.
The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum hosted the 2013 Lukens Reunion and brought back a long standing tradition, service pins honoring active employees at the Coatesville steel mill.
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The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum hosts the fourth annual Coatesville Remembers September 11th commemoration.
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The Graystone Society, Inc. holds it's 2013 annual meeting April 19th
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The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum presents the 2013 award to Regina Horton Lewis.
The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum hosts the fourth annual Coatesville Remembers September 11th commemoration.
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The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum's 2012 Garden Party, held June 16th on the grounds of the Lukens National Historic District.
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The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum presents the 2012 award to Tamara (Tammy) C. Cansler.

The Lukens National Historic District hosts Coatesville's 2011 commemoration of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
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The Graystone Society's 2011 Members Garden Party, held June 18th on the grounds of the Lukens National Historic District.
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The Graystone Society presents the 2011 Rebecca Lukens Award award to the late Nancy Penn Smith Hannum.
The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum hosts its Inaugural 9/11 Memorial Event at Gateway Park in Coatesville, Pennsylvania. 7:30 AM until 10:30 AM.
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To celebrate the 200th anniversary of iron & steel production in Coatesville the Graystone Society plants a rose garden at Brandywine Mansion, home of Rebecca Lukens.
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The Graystone Society celebrates the 200th anniversary of iron & steel production in Coatesville, PA, with the dedication of a historical marker in the Lukens National Historic District.
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Over Forty years ago, the last trainload carrying the structural shapes (known as "trees") destined for the World Trade Center in New York City pulled out of Lukens Steel in Coatesville, PA.  They were the last, of many, which would frame the first nine floors and soaring lobbies of the North and South Towers of the world's tallest buildings at that time.
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Welcome ceremonies for the steel "trees", still standing after the collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, returned to Coatesville PA the home of the former Lukens Steel Company who made and cut the steel shapes used to manufacture the "Trees".
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The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum presents the 2010 award to Gladys Flamer.
The Graystone Society has created the National Iron and Steel Heritage Museum in Coatesville. Many buildings and artifacts already exist. The Graystone Society is also a part of this collection of entities interested in preserving the history that surrounds the longest running steel mill in America. Rebecca Lukens, one of America's first female industrialists, established the mill back in the early 1800s.
The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum dedication ceremonies for the Charles L. Huston III Firehouse. A new building to house the museum's collection of fire apparatus.