World Trade Center Steel Trees Coming Home to Coatesville, April 10, 2010
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Please credit: Photo By Robert Williams for the National Iron & Steel Heritage
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Scott G. Huston, President of the Graystone Society next to banner draped a World
Trade Center Tree after arrival in the Lukens National Historic District.
Temporary Museum Closing Due to construction on our new Visitors Center, in addition to the encouragement for
all citizens to practice measures to slow the spread of COVID-19, the museum has closed
to visitors, suspended tours, and canceled all scheduled events through May 31, 2020.
Janet S. Klein — 12th Annual Rebecca Lukens Award Honoree The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum
(NISHM) in Coatesville, PA, is pleased to announce its twelfth annual Rebecca Lukens
Award to be presented to noted historic preservationist and museum management consultant,
Janet S. Klein.
The Guppy Comes Home The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum announces the addition of the Guppy
to its collections.