The National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum
Museum Exhibit Hours
Lukens Executive Office Building
Museum General Admission Monday through Saturday — 10 am to 4 pm

Admissions at 10 am, 12:30 pm, & 2:30 pm

Terracina & Graystone Mansion Add-on Excursions Available

Grounds Open Daily — Sunrise to Sunset.

To plan your visit, click here

In The News
The SS United States has started its journey from Philadelphia to Mobile, Alabama. In Mobile it will be prepared to be sunk as an artificial reef off the coast of Destin, Florida.

Photograph by Mike Vinik. 

Visit The Museum - Tour Video
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PCN's "It's History" Visits NISHM
Take Your Art To A New Level

Looking for inspiration? There is plenty to see in the Lukens Historic District in Coatesville.

The expansive grounds offer plein air painters a range of subject matter, from the popular “rust & decay” of industrial sites, to historic homesteads surrounded by old trees and original plantings.

Rebecca Lukens Resource Center
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